Shop Black
When you support Black entrepreneurs and businesses, not only are you building up and empowering local communities, you are also helping to close the racial wealth gap for Canadians. Black-owned businesses are also more likely to struggle with the economic consequences of COVID-19.
Where can I find Black entrepreneurs and businesses?
The following directories are a great place to start!
In addition, Afrotechture is a marketplace offering items rooted in our cultural heritage. They are located physically in the Byward Market, Ottawa, Ontario but items can be purchased online as well.
B for Black
The first episode launches on February 1st, but you can watch the trailer here!
B for Black celebrates the black proprietor and highlights the true narrative of black entrepreneurship, creativity and Leadership in exploring their successes , struggles and goals. The black entrepreneur, creative and leader has managed find and create their path to success in a challenging and uncertain world. They have built strong foundations for themselves but also for generations to come. Each episode will focus on one individual.